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The Energy Storage Solutions For Future Mobility Workshop

Transportation represents a key contributor to CO² emissions along with other gaseous and particulate pollutants. Whilst improvements in the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, phasing out of diesel cars and initiatives such as biofuels may assist in reducing emissions and combating peak oil, new technologies are required to meet our 2030 emission targets – 26% less than 2005 levels particularly given population growth. Tomorrows’ transportation power sources are likely to be a mix of technologies, however, lithium based battery powered electric vehicles are particularly prospective given that they are estimated to release just ~6 g CO² / km as opposed to new vehicles ~184 g CO² / km and are proven today as being technically feasible in low volume production by manufacturers such as Tesla, Nissan and BMW amongst others. Whilst prospective, significant issues of a technical, financial and societal nature currently hinder battery electric vehicles seeing wide spread adoption

Determining exactly where best Australia should invest as an integrated research intervention (technical, business, societal) across the broader energy storage value chain remains a key issue and question to answer.

The ECP white paper was proposed to undertake a strategic review with the goal of contributing to the thinking behind this question. The output of the ECP white paper will help to inform future RMIT investment decisions both in terms of project focus areas, capability development (collaboration) and infrastructure.

As a key input to the white paper, you are invited to a workshop to discuss energy storage

The workshop will consist of thought provoking keynote presentations from organisations such as FORD, CAPXX and CSIRO, followed by discussions to probe questions surrounding research opportunity, collaboration and engagement.

The agenda of the Energy Storage Solutions For Future Mobility Workshop is outlined below:-


To register your attendance please click on the registration link below.

Please confirm your attendance by close of business Thursday 6 December, 2018.

If you have any questions in regards to the workshop please send them via email at

We look forward to seeing you at the Energy Storage Solutions for Transport Workshop.

12 December 2018
RMIT University || City Campus Bld 80 | Level 9 | Room 06 Swanston Street, Melbourne.